Friday, April 2, 2010

CSI Fresno CDT Certification Course Recap

Last evening we wrapped up the CDT Certification Class. We are confident in a very strong pass rate. The webinar-format was absolutely the best way to go about delivering the information in the most relevant, efficient manner. I suggest any future test takers engage in a similar method of study. After finishing strong on the quizzes at the end of the seminars (100% correct!) we reviewed the study guide and individually did the sample questions to get individual baselines. The students then have the next several days to brush up on those areas and review, and everyone is scheduled for a Saturday exam.

We so appreciate the gracious Certificate Holders who have supported the study process along the way and have generously given of their time to provide professional expertise to the group. Bruce Poulsen CDT, CCS; Mark Harold, CDT, CCS, CCCA; Stuart, CDT; Mary-Alice, CDT; Dave Willis, CDT; Jack Hankes, CDT; thank you! We also appreciate those who arrived in various stages of the seminar series to interject energy when we were starting to get tired. Mark, thank you for your document contributions to our resources. Bruce, similar thanks for bringing us the AIA 201 Commentary, also now posted on the Study Group Website. What would we have done without Elias and weekly pizza!? I, for one, am so grateful for the sustenance he provided.

Thank you CSI Fresno for your enthusiastic support of the CSI Fresno CDT Certification Class and we will definitely add to our Certificated ranks this year!

There are a few who discovered how possible it is for them to pass the CDT exam and may register for the Fall exam close to West Region 2010 week. While I will not be conducting another two-month weekly group certification class, I will keep the CSI CDT Study Group website active with the slides and resources to download.

Kindest Regards,

Kjirsten Brock

Certifications Chair, CSI Fresno

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